Thursday, October 31, 2019

Dubai Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Dubai - Essay Example At the macro level there is yet another set of activities including the changes and modifications to existing infrastructures and the organizing of the event through to the end (Henderson, 1988). Event management industry is necessarily entwined here with the event to such an extent that all consequential and subsequent strategic decision choices available down the line from the planning consultant to the manager are determined by the very structural dimensions and contingency imperatives. While many stakeholders – internal and external – would show an equally great amount of interest in the successful outcome of the urban planning process, there can still be countervailing interests that seek to prevail over the rest. The degree of influence that each stakeholder group has on the next outcome of the planning process is determined by a number of internal and external factors such as the social, economic and political problems of each stakeholder group and a possible assessment of costs and benefits arising from the level of planning (Hoevel, 2007). Stakeholders such as citizens, private business organizations, contractors, suppliers, government concerns, property developers, foreigners working and residing in Dubai, condominium dwellers, local government authorities and so on all have a stake in such outcomes. Though Post-Fordist influences can be seen in Dubai to a certain extent it’s the single urban model of structure that Alonso, Muth and Mill s advocated in the 1960’s is visible everywhere in Dubai. The City of Dubai, unlike many other Middle Eastern countries, is located at the heart of the Gulf for all commercial purposes. Overall this analysis focuses on the urban planning methodologies, infrastructure and structural flexibility intended to engender systematic and constant growth of the City over the years to come. Such huge urban planning activity necessitates

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Teaching Styles & Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Teaching Styles & Technology - Essay Example Because teaching and learning are at best semi-structured activities, neither is conducive to automation. Yet certain aspects of instruction, particularly the delivery of information characteristics or teaching styles are prone to automation. Information classroom technologies facilitate student access to information to improve the availability or reality of learning materials. In contrast to automated classrooms that improve the efficiency of information delivery, the goal here is to make new, qualitatively better information available that would otherwise not be. Learning networks, hypermedia, simulations, and virtual reality are information classroom technologies. While IT infrastructure developments represent attempts to provide technology tools to improve the teaching and/or learning processes, they are often undertaken without a thorough assessment of the learning gains desired or even possible. For instance, high expectations without clear objectives and realistic goals may lead to the development of state-of-the-art facilities, at once impressive yet intimidating, replete with potential yet lacking clear guidelines on how to use the technology to achieve learning improvements. Learning models are often classifie... The primary competing cognitive model is constructivism. The objectivist model of learning is based on Skinner's stimulus-response theory: learning is a change in the behavioral disposition of an organism (Jonassen, 1993) that can be shaped by selective reinforcement. The tenet of the model is that there is an objective reality and that the goal of learning is to understand this reality and modify behavior accordingly (Jonassen, 1993). The goal of teaching is to facilitate the transfer of knowledge from the expert to the learner. Errors in understanding are the result of imperfect or incomplete knowledge transfer. The model makes several pedagogical assumptions regarding learning and instruction. In terms of learning, the first assumption is that there exists a reality that is agreed upon by individuals. Second, this reality can be represented and transferred to a learner. Third, the purpose of the mind is to act as a mirror of reality rather than as an interpreter of reality (Jonassen, 1993). Fourth, all: learners use essentially the same processes for representing and understanding the world. In terms of instruction, the objectivist model assumes that the goal of teaching is to efficiently transmit knowledge from the expert to the learner. Instructors structure reality into abstract or generalized representations that can be transferred and then recalled by students (Yarusso, 1992). The objectivist model may be the most appropriate model in some contexts--for example, in factual or procedural-based learning. However, models challenging objectivism have emerged. The most widely accepted alternate model is

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Death With Dignity Act

The Death With Dignity Act Although the Death with Dignity Act empowers individuals to control the timing of their death, physician assisted suicide still remains a controversial topic in todays society that raises many ethical questions. These questions include: Who is the true owner of our lives? Should relieving suffering always be the highest priority or does suffering occur for a reason? Is suicide a purely individual choice (Mathes, 2004)? The answers to the above questions are subjective, yet healthcare workers deal with the difficult issues associated with end-of-life care on a daily basis. Since patients and families frequently ask nurses to provide information about support in dying, it is important for nurses to thoroughly understand the topic of physician assisted suicide regardless of whether it is legally permitted within the State where they are working (Ersek, 2004). The purpose of this paper is to describe benefits and disadvantages of assisted suicide and to discuss the ethical reasoning behind both of these opposing viewpoints. Throughout the literature, there are many arguments that support the prohibition of physician assisted suicide. One of the most obvious arguments is that health care providers are supposed to save lives-not take them. (de Vocht Nyatanga, 2007). This principle of nonmaleficence can be traced back in time to Hippocrates, a Greek physician, who states this duty as I (healthcare provider) will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but I will never use it to injure or wrong them (Beauchamp Childress, 2009, p. 149). In other words, this statement can be interpreted as do no harm. The American NursesAssociation supports the notion that active participation in assisted suicide goes against the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses (2001). Helping a client take their own life is not only in contrast with ethical traditions of nursing but it could also discourage clients from seeking out medical care due to fear (Ersek, 2004). In response, proponents for assisted suicide argue that it is well within the patients right to decide whether he or she lives or dies. Emphasizing the importance of the principle of autonomy, they feel that quality of life is a very personal opinion. By preventing clients from taking their life, they feel healthcare providers are being paternalistic and imposing their views onto their patients. Some also feel that it is pride, not altruism, which inhibits healthcare workers from supporting assisted suicide. They argue medical professionals do not like to admit that they cannot fix a situation, because it causes them to acknowledge their own limitations and evokes a feeling of failure. (de Vocht et al, 2007). Another reason many dislike physician assisted suicide is their belief that it might eventually lead to involuntary euthanasia. This slippery slope conjecture is based on the idea that small steps will eventually lead to an inevitable chain of events that cannot be stopped once started. This notion is supported by statistics gathered from the Netherlands that state roughly 1,000 patients die due to the result of an end-of-life decision made without their explicit consent (Dieterle, 2007, p. 129). Therefore advocates of this theory feel that the best way to prevent the establishment of involuntary euthanasia is by barring assisted suicide. In contrast, supporters of physician assisted suicide feel that the slippery slope argument is an exaggeration. Since the passage of the Death with Dignity Act in Oregon, involuntary euthanasia is far from being a reality of the status quo in the United States. This is a living example that demonstrates assisted suicide can be passed without spirali ng out of control. Therefore support of the slippery slope argument is closed minded and shows little faith in human nature (Dieterle, 2007). However, the possibility that patients might be coerced into participating in assisted suicide against their will is very concerning to many people. Opponents to legalizing assisted suicide fear that patients could be persuaded by their family or insurance companies into requesting support in dying. A specific concern exists for vulnerable populations which include the elderly, poor, and minorities. These groups of people may be easily manipulated and lack the means to defend themselves. In summation, it is very possible that abuses of law could occur (Dieterle, 2007). The argument also exists that legalizing assisted suicide would make it easier to regulate these practices. One result of not legalizing assisted suicide could be that people might utilize the euthanasia underground as a source of relief. These people are very determined to die and may go to other countries or fall back on illegal methods to reach their goal. This not only makes it hard to control what is happening, but some people are also dying in ways that they do not prefer (de Vocht et al, 2007). Since assisted suicide is a complex issue, many feel that forming comprehensive legislation that is safe is an impossible task. The current Death with Dignity Act uses many terms which are subjective. For example, there is no definite way to determine the exact time and date when a person will die. Therefore the 6-month prognosis is not reliable even if it is agreed upon by two different physicians. In addition, mistakes in assisted suicide are permanent and cannot be corrected (Gannon Garland, 2008). Conversely, assisted suicide supporters argue physicians are already familiar with facilitating the death of their patients. Currently, In all 50 states in the US, patients have the right to refuse treatment and be allowed to die. Furthermore, all 50 states have procedures in place for allowing substituted judgments for the refusal of treatment (Dieterle, 2007, p. 132). Although end-of-life issues are complex, legal support for physicians comfortable with this process should continue. Another argument against assisted suicide is that it could encourage people to give up and take the easy way out. By allowing a person to take their life when they feel hopeless, it might give off the wrong impression to the public that when life becomes hard it is acceptable to quit. (Dieterle, 2007). Instead of focusing on ending life, emphasis should be put on how to enhance palliative care. On the contrary, proponents for assisted suicide argue that the people who are requesting it are not hopeless and depressed. The clients who utilize the Death with Dignity Act in Oregon, Linda Ganzini states, are not so much depressed as determined (Schwartz Estrin, as cited in Dieterle, 2007, p. 134). Ironically, these people say that assisted suicide actually instills hope in people because they feel they have a way of controlling their life if it becomes too unbearable. Conclusion While there many arguments for and against assisted suicide, the answer to the question of whether it is right or wrong remains ambiguous. One reason for the lack of clear cut answers is that assisted suicide is an ethical issue which is dependent on a persons values, morals, religion, and experiences. In general, the topic of end-of-life decision making is very sensitive and evokes strong emotions and opinions. Instead of debating the issues involved with assisted suicide, this paper merely describes pertinent arguments that have been presented by both sides. There are many nursing implications that are associated with assisted suicide. Among these is the importance for nurses to be aware of their own beliefs about end-of-life care. Selfawareness will prepare nurses for obstacles they will face when dealing with death. Another implication is that nurses need to be cognizant of politics and legal authority. Becoming active in political processes, nurses can work to ensure that they w ill not be forced into doing procedures that come in direct conflict with their beliefs. Writing this paper has taught me that autonomy is a very controversial issue in the health profession. I have also learned that there is a fine line between being a patient advocate and acting paternalistically. There is also a very fine line between providing a patient with information and influencing their decision making process. I plan to use this knowledge in my practice by being aware of my own biases and respecting the beliefs of my patients. I have come to the conclusion that facing ethical issues is inevitable part of a nurses professional practice.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Threatening Relationships in Carver’s Cathedral Essay -- Carver Cathed

Threatening Relationships in Carver’s Cathedral  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Although many critics have written numerous accounts of Richard Carver’s "Cathedral" as being about revelation and overcoming prejudice, they have overlooked a very significant aspect: the unfolding of marital drama. The story tells of how a close outside friendship can threaten marriage by provoking insecurities, creating feelings of invasion of privacy, and aggravating communication barriers. The close outside friendship between the narrator’s wife and Robert, the blind man, provokes the narrator’s insecurities. This friendship has lasted for ten long years. During those years, they have exchanged countless voice tapes wherein they both tell each other what has happened in their respective lives. Because of this, the narrator feels that his wife has told Robert more than Robert needs to know. The narrator laments, "she told him everything or so it seemed to me" (1054). The narrator’s fear is somehow confirmed when Robert arrives and says that he feels like they have already met (1055). The narrator is left wondering what his wife has disclosed. This murky situation leaves the narrator feeling insecure, especially when he sees the warm interaction between his wife and Robert. The narrator’s insecurities unfold when it takes him almost five pages just to demonstrate how close the friendship is between his wife and Robert. It is as though he is justifying his irrational behavior or perhaps questioning if his wife could be secretly in love with Robert. The narrator assumes this because his wife only writes poems if something really important happens to her. He recalls that his wife never forgot that instant when Robert "touched his fingers to every part of her face... ...m. Ed. Thomas Volteler. Detroit: Gale Research, 1989. 23-28. Carver, Raymond. "Cathedral." The Harper Anthology of Fiction. Ed. Sylvan Barnet. New York: HarperCollins, 1991. 1052-1062. Eder, Richard. "Pain on the Face of Middle America." Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Daniel G. Marowski. Detroit: Gale Research Publishing, Inc., 1986. 103. Works Consulted Robinson, Marilynne. " Marriage and other Astonishing Bonds." Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Roger Matuz. Detroit: Gale Publishing Inc., 1989. 276-278. Weele, Michael Vander. "Raymond Carver and the language of Desire." Short Story Criticism. Ed. Thomas Volteler. Detroit: Gale Publishing Inc., 1989. 36-41. Yardley, Jonathan. " Raymond Carver’s American Dreamers." Contemporary Literary Criticism. Eds. Daniel Marowski and Roger Matuz. Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1989. 63.      

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Rephrasing Essay

To make sure effective implementation of university’s health and safety policy and codes of safe working practices, Deans and Directors are responsible to the Vice Chancellor for managing the health and safety department. In order to achieve this they will have to ensure effective monitoring of health and safety issues to upraise the health and safety environment which is an important part of the school, faculty, and service activities. Risk assessment people should be hired to make sure that proper training is provided. Also to make sure that annual health and safety return is timely submitted to health and safety committee and to make sure that they thoroughly implement the health and safety policies within the area of their control. They will have to take care that basic training is provided to drivers who are carrying passengers in passenger carrying vehicles (except cars). To take timely actions on complaints from different areas like Faculty, Trade Union safety representatives, school, health and safety environmental services and advisors. To make sure that annual inspection of workplace is carried out in a planned and systematic manner but biannual inspection can be conducted to deal with high risk activities. To take timely advice from health and safety department on issues related to health and safety. Also to make sure that all safety policies and codes along with safety work procedures are in place as required. Health and safety advisors should be provided with enough time to carry out their duties like internal audits of university. Ensure that annual health and safety action plans have been prepared and submitted to the Health & Safety Committee upon request. To make sure accidents are taken into notice and accident investigation reports are submitted. In this regard sufficient training should be ensured to overcome these accidents. Proper risk assessment should be conducted of every activity and proper results must be recorded where necessary. While executing the health and safety audits they need to cooperate with the head of health and safety. Appointment of health and safety advisor of each school, faculty and services is very important. Safe working environment should be encouraged. University emergency procedures should be known to all. Whenever new equipment are installed, staff training should be mandatory. Also new staff should be given proper induction on health and safety. Before installing and after installation of all electrical equipments should be annually tested i. e every 4 years for IT equipments. Those who are affected by changes in rules of school, faculty and services should be provided proper consultation on every procedure. Assuring proper arrangement of regular assessment needs of health and safety performance. To make sure that all training needs are identified and met on time. Also to make sure that people hired from external contractors meet the criteria and requirements of ‘Code of Safe Working Practices for Contractors employed by Staffordshire University’. Sub divisions headed by senior managers will be included in the structure of school, faculty and service. The implementation of university’s health and safety will be under control of these managers according to their area of concern. All these activities will be coordinated by health and safety advisor of school, faculty and service. Proper training will be provided to dean and directors to make sure that they meet all their responsibilities and compliance with statutory requirements. This training will help them to carry out their responsibilities in an efficient manner. Appropriate standards and guidance will be provided in this regard. Director of Estates In addition to those general health and safety responsibilities as directors, the Director of Estates holds the following responsibilities: Proper supply of drinking water, proper lightening, and proper ventilation must be ensured. For all university buildings suitable fire risk assessments must be up to date. Entry and exit of university emergency should be properly assessed and maintained. Proper and timely results must be recorded of risk assessment of each and every activity, substances and processes undertaken. University buildings and services should not harm or endanger the person working or using them. Proper maintenance of these buildings and services must be ensured. Maintenance staff should be informed and should be well aware of any health and safety issue that may arise in university premises including student accommodation units. Timely actions must be taken on every complaint regarding health and safety implications from faculty or services. Emergency lightening, fire alarms and smoke alarms all such equipments must be properly tested and maintained according to the timely plan (Including student accommodation units). Student investigators must be appointed and trained to deal with hazardous situations. People having good and sound knowledge should be considered in this regard. University’s Accident Investigation Report Form has been completed after investigating relevant estate activities and spheres of duties. Periodic inspection must be carried out of university buildings to ensure the effectiveness of maintainenece program and remedial actions must be taken on timely basis. Estate vehicles must be properly maintained and serviced to avoid accidents. In accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations and the IEE Code of Practice for In-Service Inspection & Testing of Electrical Equipment the proper and fixed wiring of each and every university building must be ensured along with proper inspection and all records must be kept. A planned cleaning program must include all lecture theatres, toilets, classrooms, corridors and offices etc. Development of proper health and safety â€Å"Action plan† must be ensured and this must be submitted to Health & Safety Committee upon request. Standards outlined in the ‘Code of Safe Working Practices for Contractors Employed by Staffordshire University’ must be followed by external contractors commissioned by Estates complies with relevant statutory provisions. Also to make sure that all portable electric appliances used within the premises are thoroughly tested and does not in any way harm the people using them.  Proper records must be maintained of their testing. The grounds chemical, equipment and machinery all must be maintained and used safely according to current regulation authority. Head of Health & Safety The Head of Health and safety is basically a competent officer appointed under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. He reports to the Director of Estates on daily basis for executing his duties, but he can access to the University Executive directly on matters considered appropriate. His duties involve a combination of advisory and executive functions. In order to maximize the effectiveness of his role, he will work closely with Dean’s/Directors and other colleagues. His main duties will involve: To promote health and safety within the university. A proper database to be maintained for safety information and guidance. Regular review on effectiveness of health and safety training. Support and help must be provides to Safety Advisers of school, faculty and services in the execution of their duties. A continued professional development program must be followed. On all the issues and matters related to health and safety, the Vice Chancellor must be advised through Human resources. Proper advice on statutory provisions must also be delivered. University health and safety procedure, codes of safe working practices, policies, rules and routines all must be developed, implemented and monitored. Compilation of accident data ant to prepare an annual health and safety report for submission to the Board of Governors is also the main duty of head of health and safety. Annually appraising the effectiveness of health and safety policy of university and providing an effective information service is also mandatory. Regular audit of school, faculty and services health and safety management to ensure their effectiveness and remedial training must be provided for any gap identified during these audits. In case of any reported health and safety incident, investigation must be carried out and timely remedial actions must be taken by the head. The bodies whose activities can influence the health and safety issues of university must be shown their interest in general meetings. External safety services, Trades’ Union Safety Representatives and specialists must be provided with efficient and effective communication. Well off communication must be kept with appropriate enforcement agencies and co-coordinators during their inspection and visits. Work as an administrator in all aspects of work related to health and safety committee and also to carry many other such health and safety activities assigned by university.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


By the nine divines! What did you just say about me, you little skeeverbutt? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the College of Winterhold, and I've been know to cast one hell of a fireball, and I have over 300 confirmed summons. I am trained in daedric warfare and I'm the swords master of the entire Imperial forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will make you beg to Akatosh as I bend you over like a common whelp, mark my words, on my oath as the Dovakin. You think you can come into my mind though this magic device and insult me? Think again,scum.As we speak I have every assassin and thief across all of Tamriel looking for your initial position so you better prepare for the storm atronach,you drauger. The storm atronach that wipes out the pathetic little husk you call your life. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my dragon shouts! Not only am I extensively trained in archery and horseback ri ding, but I have access to the entire congregation of the thieves guild, dark brotherhood, Mages college, and untold hordes of deadric warriors, and I will use every one of them to banish you to the plane of oblivion..If only you could have had the clairvoyance to see what divine retribution your little â€Å"clever† runes were about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue you dark skin. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will become the embodiment of Mehrunes Dagon, and open a portal to oblivion the likes of which you have never seen. You're fucking dead, milk-drinker.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The boeing case essays

The boeing case essays As we have captured knowledge from reading articles and listening to news, we notice that competing in the aircraft is not an easy job. Companies need millions of dollars to develop a single airplane. This kind of business or manufacturing needs more than 100% accuracy, it concerns the life of millions of people. Building a plane needs an enormous budget; industries need to concentrate on research and development, and to have a high level of dependence on technology. Due to the enormous costs associated with developing a new airliner; a company has to be very fortunate to break even in 10 to 14 years. Usually 5 to 6 years of negative cash flow are associated with the development phase. The estimated costs for the Airbus A380 are between 10 billion to 15 billion. The enormous development costs alone forces the company to capture a significant share of the world demand to break even. Boeing and McDonnell had already got their business established through subsidies therefore in order for Airbus to be successful they had to do the same thing. I believe it was necessary for Airbus to receive subsidies to launch their program, because of the large costs and national interest in the industry. Without subsides, it would have taken Airbus a while to earn enough profit to finance the program themselves and by then, it would have been much harder or even too late to compete. Another reason Airbus needed subsidies were because the commercial aircraft industry requires very large expenses which includes production and labor. Airbus counters that its success was due to a good product and a good strategy, not subsidies; but they only acquired the state of the art technology through government funding. The European government felt the need to invest so much money into Airbus so that they could capture some of the market share that the U.S. companies had already done. Airbus i s a viable competitor not only because of good products and a good stra...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The eNotes Blog Eight Million Stories Humans of New YorkProject

Eight Million Stories Humans of New YorkProject â€Å"There are eight million stories in the Naked City. This has been one of them.†    From The Naked City In 2010, Brandon Stanton lost his job as a trader in Chicago.   Despite his mothers objections, Stanton moved to New York City to pursue the latest thing with which he had become borderline-obsessed:   photography. At first, Stanton was only snapping pictures of the citys residents. His original goal was simply to photograph 10,000 New Yorkers and plot their photos on a map.   But after a few months, Stanton began adding captions and commentary to the photographs.  Ã‚   Taken together, the photographer explains,   these portraits and captions became the subject of a vibrant blog, which over the past two years has gained a large daily following. With nearly one million collective followers on Facebook and Tumblr, HONY now provides a worldwide audience with glimpses into the lives of strangers in New York City. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald called New York City the wild promise of all the mystery and beauty in the world.   Some eighty-eight years later, it still holds all that mystery and beauty, and through his lens and careful attention, Stanton helps develop those stories in colorful resolution. The following are just a few of my favorite images and stories. Follow Humans of New York here. I found these two in Central Park. After I took their photo, I began to ask Dad some questions, but ended up getting some perfectly valid, yet generic responses: What was your happiest moment? When my daughters were born. What’s the  proudest you’ve been of your daughter? I’m always proud. What was the saddest moment of your life? I’d rather not say. After a few more attempts, I resigned myself to the fact that the man wasn’t going to reveal any details about his life. His reserve was perfectly understandable, but I left a bit downtrodden. Because I loved the photo and was hoping to pair it with a great caption. When I got home, there was an email in my inbox: Dear Brandon, I saw you in Central Park this evening with my daughter (red head). You asked me about my happiest day I told you when my daughters were born (I meant it). You asked me what the saddest day in my life was i told you I’d rather not answer. Well, it was Aug 12, 2006 on that day, my wife and I lost our first baby she was 36 weeks pregnant (his name was Peter). It was horrible. But now we have 2 beautiful little girls, so Im grateful. The reason I was unable to provide a specific answer to questions about my happiest day or what makes me proud about my girls because everything does. Thank you. I’m an artist. I paint murals. What would you say to a young artist? Fuck the rules. This man was cruising through Central Park, while his dog jogged out in front of him. â€Å"They keep trying to give us tickets, said the man, â€Å"So I taught him a trick. Watch this. He shouted: â€Å"Police! And the dog jumped up on the scooter. She does her thing, I do my thing. We interact in between. We’ve been married 30 years, and that’s how we like it. The girl on the right told me she wanted to be a veterinarian. Then, almost as an afterthought, she threw in- â€Å"Also, the President of America. Charmed by her extremely ambitious postscript, I chuckled a bit.What are you laughing at? said Dad. What are you reading? Rimbaud. He’s a 19th Century French poet that turned romanticism on its head. Before him, poets tended to associate nature with order and harmony, and extended that to man. He was the first to really describe nature and man as chaotic and unpredictable. He was especially good at expressing teenage angst. OK, I’ll give you 60 seconds to find a passage that demonstrates what you just said. Here’s what he chose: The wolf howled under the leaves / And spit out the prettiest feathers / Of his meal of fowl: / Like him I consume myself. (Hey, is it just me or does this girl remind you of a Robert Crumb drawing too) She agreed to a photograph, but seemed a bit uneasy about the whole â€Å"being interviewed by a stranger thing. I really liked the photo, so I kept trying questions, hoping to strike on one she felt comfortable answering- but no luck. Eventually she said: â€Å"This feels like a really bad date. If you could give one piece of advice to a large group of people, what would it be? Stay away from large groups of people. What’s your favorite thing about your dad? He works really hard outside. But after that, he still rides bikes with me. You know the scariest drug I ever did? What’s that? Sobriety. I tried that shit, and suddenly I realized that my girlfriend was insane and all my friends were assholes.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Pythagoras of Samos Biography

Pythagoras of Samos Biography Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician and philosopher, is best known for his work developing and proving the theorem of geometry that bears his name. Most students remember it as follows: the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. Its written as: a 2 b2 c2. Early Life Pythagoras was born on the island of Samos, off the coast of Asia Minor (what is now mostly Turkey), about 569 BCE. Not much is known of his early life. There is evidence that he was well educated, and learned to read and play the lyre. As a youth, he may have visited Miletus in his late teenage years to study with the philosopher Thales, who was a very old man, Thaless student, Anaximander was giving lectures on Miletus and quite possibly, Pythagoras attended these lectures. Anaximander took a great interest in geometry and cosmology, which influenced the young Pythagoras. Odyssey to Egypt The next phase of Pythagorass life is a bit confusing. He went to Egypt for some time and visited, or at least tried to visit, many of the temples. When he visited Diospolis, he was accepted into the priesthood after completing the rites necessary for admission. There, he continued his education, especially in mathematics and geometry. From Egypt in Chains Ten years after Pythagoras arrived in Egypt, relations with Samos fell apart. During their war, Egypt lost and Pythagoras was taken as a prisoner to Babylon. He wasnt  treated as a prisoner of war as we would consider it today. Instead, he continued his education in mathematics and music and delved into the teachings of the priests, learning their sacred rites. He became extremely proficient in his studies of mathematics and sciences as taught by the Babylonians. A Return Home Followed by Departure Pythagoras eventually returned to Samos, then went to Crete to study their legal system for a short time. In Samos, he founded a school called the Semicircle. In  about 518 BCE, he  founded another school in Croton (now known as Crotone, in southern Italy). With Pythagoras at the head, Croton maintained an inner circle of followers known as mathematikoi (priests of mathematics). These mathematikoi lived permanently within the society, were allowed no personal possessions and were strict vegetarians. They received training only from Pythagoras, following very strict rules.  The next layer of the society was called the akousmatics. They lived in their own houses and only came to the society during the day.  The society contained both men and women.   The Pythagoreans were a highly secretive group, keeping their work out of public discourse. Their interests lay not just in math and natural philosophy, but also in metaphysics and religion. He and his inner circle believed that souls migrated after death into the bodies of other beings. They thought that animals could contain human souls. As a result, they saw eating animals as cannibalism.   Contributions Most scholars know that Pythagoras and his followers didnt study mathematics for the same reasons as people do today. For them, numbers had a spiritual meaning. Pythagoras taught that all things are numbers and saw mathematical relationships in nature, art, and music. There are a number of theorems attributed to Pythagoras, or at least to his society, but the most famous one,  the Pythagorean theorem, may not be entirely his invention. Apparently, the Babylonians had realized the relationships between the sides of a right triangle more than a thousand years before Pythagoras learned about it. However, he spent a great deal of time working on a proof of the theorem.   Besides his contributions to mathematics, Pythagorass work was essential to astronomy. He felt the sphere was the perfect shape. He also realized the orbit of the Moon was inclined to Earths equator, and deduced that the evening star (Venus) was the same as the morning star. His work influenced later astronomers such as Ptolemy and Johannes Kepler (who formulated the laws of planetary motion). Final Flight   During the later years of the society, it came into conflict with supporters of democracy. Pythagoras denounced the idea, which resulted in attacks against his group. Around 508 BCE, Cylon, a Croton noble attacked the Pythagorean Society and vowed to destroy it. He and his followers persecuted the group, and Pythagoras fled to Metapontum. Some accounts claim that he committed suicide. Others say that Pythagoras returned to Croton a short time later since the society was not wiped out and continued for some years. Pythagoras may have lived at least beyond 480 BCE, possibly to age 100. There are conflicting reports of both his birth and death dates. Some sources think he was born in 570 BCE and died in 490 BCE.   Pythagoras Fast Facts Born: ~569 BCE on SamosDied: ~475 BCEParents: Mnesarchus (father), Pythias (mother)Education:   Thales, AnaximanderKey Accomplishments:  first mathematician Sources Britannica: Pythagoras-Greek Philosopher and MathematicianUniversity of St. Matthews: Pythagoras BiographyWikipedia Edited by Carolyn Collins Petersen.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

In the file Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

In the file - Essay Example The problem facing this training sometimes is that a person joining that training may only be interested in earning more salaries that are being provided at that level. High salaries in many occasions indicate a greater value of employer, but empirically it is not well known whether it is true or not. Apart from the growth in business schools, there has been an increase on emphasis of personal development, mentoring, and executive training. Another significant development is increasing focus on development and training of entrepreneurs. New form of learning such as E-learning has increased since they are cheap and flexible. Due to globalization and flexible trade rules across the world, global leadership has become more evident currently. Right now it is not effective being a manager in one country, a good manager in the current world should be able to carry out management in different countries and cultures. A balance between theory and practice is one of the issues in training and development. Another issue is where management and development is based, whether it is a western business model provided by western institutions or eastern business models. The MBA courses taught in Asia by western teachers from western states may boost western business models that are not suitable to the locals because the teaching methods will require the students to adopt learning styles that are not in line with their culture. The information contained in this article can be applied in business organization and when doing global business. Businesses will learn that having people who have extensive training in business courses such as MBA are important in the management of the organization. The article also explains important issues about management training and development. One of the important issues is a broad issue of executive learning and development, this include formal and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Why is workplace bullying an important issue in managing people at Essay

Why is workplace bullying an important issue in managing people at work - Essay Example Other that interfering with the physical well being of a person, bullying also inflicts psychological injury leading to deterioration of the victim’s helath. Despite that fact that a victim of bullying can legally claim for compensation, there is no specific compensation-value for psychological injury and the management should view bullying as a serious offence of potential threat to the organizational returns (Quigg, 2011). Several societies globally have raised interest concerning workplace bullying with communities such as government bodies and labor unions tying to seek for the best possible alternatives to eliminate such a vice. Most of the scholarly articles classify that majority of employees have directly experienced workplace bullying while a good number have also observed such happenings in their work institutions (Quigg, 2011). Workplace bullying is of critical concerns when it comes to managing people at work because it subjects an organizations to produces almost nothing or generate productivity far much less below their required capacity thus hurting the organization productivity and leading to a serious loss. Oade & Palgrave (2009), clarifies that it is critical for the management to embrace bullying and harassment tolerance within an organization since they pose serious threats to the production returns. Besides, workplace bullying interferes with the ability of employees from effective and efficient performance inline of their duties. Any slightest negativity as a result of bullying is perceived to be of potential financial loss to both the organization and to the employees themselves. The varying nature of workplace bullying shows that employees are exposed to varied number of symptoms. At some instances, employees experience cannot be associated with bullying. However, some of the common characteristics of bullying in an organization are: Oade & Palgrave (2009), explains that, when bullying is allowed to prevail

Homeschooling Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Homeschooling - Research Paper Example Home schooling program has been legal in the United States. Its rapid growth comes as a big surprise to educators both in public and private schools. An estimate from The National Center for Education Statistics of the US Dept. of Education sets it at 1.1 million in 2003 an increase from 850,000 in 1999 and 1.1 million in 2003. Parents cited many reasons favoring this system. But there are evidences that lead me to an argument that this program needs tighter regulation, either banned or to conclude that it is an educational neglect. If you are a parent, and convinced that home study program is right for your child, see the disadvantages first and weigh its consequences after. Disadvantages Personality change. Home schooling deprives the child of the opportunity of gaining social skills that could only be gained or developed when the child is with his/her peers. A child learns to interact with other students from all walks of life in a school environment, thus leading to growth and development. Studies of Scott, White supports my argument such that their Examination of Previously Homeschooled College Students with the Big Five Model of Personality showed that the unique socialization practices of homeschooled families may impact their children’s personality development. Communication. A regular school gives children a chance to work with other people, hear different opinions, values, and beliefs.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Current Events and U.S. Diplomacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Current Events and U.S. Diplomacy - Essay Example This was strongly resented by the US. Since the end of the cold war, the relationship between US and Russia unlike in the past has become rosy. The Americans have softened their earlier unrelenting positions and has since become tolerable to the Russians. The policy was dubbed decorative policy and it has made the Americans to drastically change their perceived aggression on Russia to a very cooperative and much philanthropic (Aronson 2001). With regard to these, US have entered into many economic ties with Russia and this has even accentuated the belief that there are cordial relations in the offing. Putin is largely acclaimed to be at the helm of all the gains achieved so far. It is obvious that the relation between US and Russia has grown notches higher since the end of the cold war. Cold war almost led to the fall out between the two countries and these has since been corrected and normalcy is achieved. From the Bush administration to Obama’s, the relationship between the two countries has improved remarkably. For instance, in the Afghanistan case, the US and Russia have joined efforts in finding a lasting solution (Cameron 2005). The US relation with Cuba under the leadership of Fidel Castro for along time has not been admirable, the US initiated economic sanction in Cuba and this has retarded economic gains in the country significantly. There have been constant allegations emanating from both countries against conspiracies (Smith 2008). For example, the assassination of the American president J.F. Kennedy was hinted to have been master minded by the Cuban president, on the other hand the Cuban president claims to have dogged eight times murder initiated by the US. All other countries for along time had at least loose ties with the Cuba economically except the US that has remained defiant in making and signing economic pacts with the Cuba (Smith 2008). In as much as that has happened, US in the year 2000 partially lifted travelling restrictions.

Strategic Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategic Financial Management - Essay Example Hence, finance can be interpreted as lifeblood of business (Emmanuel, 2010, p.32). Finance also helps the management in the process of controlling, planning, decision making, evaluation and performance appraisal etc. Therefore, management must control and plan its financial activities to develop a growth oriented organisational (Collier, 2003, p.42). In order to execute operational activities, companies needs to investment for various purposes like capital investments and operational investments, and in this process it is very necessary to evaluate performance of investments. There are some financial techniques which are very helpful in evaluating the performance of investments like capital budgeting and ratio analysis (Williamson, Cooke and Jenkins, 2003, p123). This paper will attempt to present various techniques of capital investments and project appraisal for a business organisation. At first, importance and understanding of capital appraisal techniques will be explained. The ne xt section will present brief descriptions of various project and capital investment techniques. Finally, the conclusion will sum up the entire discussion and analysis. Capital investment and Project Appraisal Since last two decades, there have been significant changes in the field of finance and its various techniques. The modern organisations are using multiple financial theories, models, and tools for enhancing the financial activities. The main reason behind this development is the increasing academic concern. Constant innovation in financial management techniques has facilitated the financial related activities. Besides, managers have to take decisions for allocation of resources in capital investments (Chadwick, 1993, p.143). Hence, the quantitative performance appraisal techniques have also been modified and these techniques have become more accurate and efficient to measure the effectiveness of capital investments. Management or the decision makers have to understand the imp ortant of decision theories to realize the necessity of decision making theories. According to Rapoport (1989), â€Å"decision theory deals with situations in which one or more actors must make choices among given alternatives† (Serfas, 2010, p.16). Before explaining various techniques for capital investment appraisal, it is very necessary to understand the importance of capital investment appraisal for a business organisation. The decision making process for investment is very necessary as it help management to determine the future profitability of any project or capital investments. Michael Pogue defined investment decision as â€Å"involving the company making cash outlay with the aim of receiving future cash inflows† (Pogue, 2010, p.10). Therefore, the process of investment decision making should go through a proper stages for enhancing its effectiveness. The Institute of Charted Accountants has defined four vital stages in this process. These are â€Å"originatio n of proposals†, â€Å"project screening†, â€Å"and analysis and acceptance† and â€Å"monitoring and review" (Institute of Charted Accountants, 2008, p.278). While making an investment decision of project appraisal, it is necessary to consider various aspects of finance to generate relevant and accurate decisions. There are certain macro and micro economic factors that must be considered in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Story outline of one minute film idea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Story outline of one minute film idea - Essay Example The eagles respond that he is simply taking a walk through the forest. The rabbit then coyly asks the eagle for money. In the forth panel, the frame shifts to a close up of the eagle. He has just been asked by the rabbit for money and his face is shrieking in disgust and anger. He responds that the rabbit cannot have any money from him and that the rabbit should search somewhere else for the money. After rejecting the rabbit’s request, the frame shifts slightly and the viewer sees that there is another rabbit walking back from around a tree. This rabbit sees the two talking and shouts out, â€Å"Hey, don’t dawdle over there!† The film rapidly cuts again. This time to a behind the shoulder shot of a fourth rabbit. The rabbit is watching the eagle being surrounded by the earlier rabbits. The eagles’ face has suddenly shifted from his jovial laughing to a sudden and worrisome scowl. One of the rabbits is heard saying in a foreboding tone, â€Å"What are you laughing at?† The frame continues from the same perspective but follows the rabbit in slowly walking towards the eagle. This gives the effect of placing the viewer in the rabbit’s position and also gives the viewer of the impending worry and doom the eagle is facing in being surrounded by the rabbits. This time a different rabbit states, â€Å"You don’t take us seriously.† Suddenly, another rabbit appears and then another and another. The frame dissolves out from the infusion of rabbits into the

Strategic Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategic Financial Management - Essay Example Hence, finance can be interpreted as lifeblood of business (Emmanuel, 2010, p.32). Finance also helps the management in the process of controlling, planning, decision making, evaluation and performance appraisal etc. Therefore, management must control and plan its financial activities to develop a growth oriented organisational (Collier, 2003, p.42). In order to execute operational activities, companies needs to investment for various purposes like capital investments and operational investments, and in this process it is very necessary to evaluate performance of investments. There are some financial techniques which are very helpful in evaluating the performance of investments like capital budgeting and ratio analysis (Williamson, Cooke and Jenkins, 2003, p123). This paper will attempt to present various techniques of capital investments and project appraisal for a business organisation. At first, importance and understanding of capital appraisal techniques will be explained. The ne xt section will present brief descriptions of various project and capital investment techniques. Finally, the conclusion will sum up the entire discussion and analysis. Capital investment and Project Appraisal Since last two decades, there have been significant changes in the field of finance and its various techniques. The modern organisations are using multiple financial theories, models, and tools for enhancing the financial activities. The main reason behind this development is the increasing academic concern. Constant innovation in financial management techniques has facilitated the financial related activities. Besides, managers have to take decisions for allocation of resources in capital investments (Chadwick, 1993, p.143). Hence, the quantitative performance appraisal techniques have also been modified and these techniques have become more accurate and efficient to measure the effectiveness of capital investments. Management or the decision makers have to understand the imp ortant of decision theories to realize the necessity of decision making theories. According to Rapoport (1989), â€Å"decision theory deals with situations in which one or more actors must make choices among given alternatives† (Serfas, 2010, p.16). Before explaining various techniques for capital investment appraisal, it is very necessary to understand the importance of capital investment appraisal for a business organisation. The decision making process for investment is very necessary as it help management to determine the future profitability of any project or capital investments. Michael Pogue defined investment decision as â€Å"involving the company making cash outlay with the aim of receiving future cash inflows† (Pogue, 2010, p.10). Therefore, the process of investment decision making should go through a proper stages for enhancing its effectiveness. The Institute of Charted Accountants has defined four vital stages in this process. These are â€Å"originatio n of proposals†, â€Å"project screening†, â€Å"and analysis and acceptance† and â€Å"monitoring and review" (Institute of Charted Accountants, 2008, p.278). While making an investment decision of project appraisal, it is necessary to consider various aspects of finance to generate relevant and accurate decisions. There are certain macro and micro economic factors that must be considered in

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Information About Strategic Teaching, Strategic Learning and Thinking Skills Essay Example for Free

Information About Strategic Teaching, Strategic Learning and Thinking Skills Essay Teachers, whether brand new to the classroom, or veterans of many years of service, are always looking for ways to make what they do more effective and more efficient. That even goes for students in teacher preparation programs, as well it should. Efficiency is a measure of what is obtained (results) in relation to what was expended (resources). Effectiveness is a bit more elusive. To be sure, effectiveness in anything, including teaching, can be difficult to describe and to measure. The following is a discussion about some fundamental principles that may lead to actual improvement of instruction. Please read on. In order to use any instructional technique effectively, anyone who teaches must, of necessity, understand the fundamental principles and assumptions upon which the specific technique is based. There is certainly no shortage of descriptions or labels for activities that may be classified as pertaining to instruction. From the ever-popular lecture method to complex student-teacher, student-student interactions, instruction encompasses a broad range of teacher behaviors. At one end (the lecture method) the teacher is an imparter of information, and the students are the intended recipients of the information the teacher imparts. At the other end of the range of teacher behaviors are methods in which teachers interact with students in vastly more complex ways. Most researchers and experts in the field are in agreement that the most permanent and meaningful learning takes place at this end of the range. Strategic teaching, and, concomitantly, strategic learning are techniques in which significant student-teacher interaction and resultant learning and thinking are at the high end of the scale. To learn strategic teaching techniques, and to foster the ability of students to engage in strategic learning, it is important to define some terms. In fact, one of the principles of strategic teaching is to define terms. Below are terms that are relevant to this process. Strategic teaching describes instructional processes that focus directly on fostering student thinking, but goes well beyond that. Strategic teaching and strategic learning are inexorably linked. A strategic teacher has an understanding of the variables of instruction and is aware of the cognitive requirements of learning. In such an awareness, comes a sense of timing and a style of management. The strategic teacher is one who: 1. s a thinker and decision maker; 2. possesses a rich knowledge base; 3. is a modeler and a mediator of instruction. Variables of instruction refer to those factors that strategic teachers consider in order to develop instruction. These variables, as the name implies, change, and therefore the teacher must be aware of the nature of change as well as the actual variables themselves. These variables are: 1. characteristics of the learner; 2. material to be learned (curriculum content); 3. the criterial task (the goals and outcomes the teacher and learner designate); 4. earning strategies (goal directed activities in which learners engage). In teaching content at the elementary, middle, or secondary level, the strategic teacher helps guide instruction by focusing on learning strategies that foster thinking skills in relation to the content. In connecting new information to what a student already knows, learning becomes more meaningful, and not simply retained for test-taking purposes. There are numerous strategies that teachers can develop that accomplish this purpose. To give one information is not difficult, but to help one be able to develop the tools to both know what information is relevant and the means to acquire it, is perhaps the most important function of any social studies teacher. There are numerous techniques for engaging students in thinking about content. Besides thinking skills, there are such practical matters as how best to present a lesson on weather, teaching map and globe skills, helping students work together in groups, how to question effectively, and how to answer student questions. The first and foremost criterion is that the teacher thoroughly know the content, the second criterion is that the teacher have a set of rules for classroom management that are understood and implemented, and the third criterion is that the teacher have the resourcefulness and knowledge to rehearse unfamiliar techniques, and more importantly, have the capacity to adjust any lesson plan to maintain academic focus. Many of these tasks are learned on-the-job. Nothing you can learn in any course is more valuable than learning what to do when you dont know what to do. When you can do that, you are well on your way to becoming a great teacher. Strategic Learning Strategic learning is, in effect, a highly probable outcome of effective strategic teaching. Reduced to its essentials, strategic learning is learning in which students construct their own meanings, and in the process, become aware of their own thinking. The link between teaching, thinking, and learning is critical. As a teacher, if you are not causing your students to think about what you are presenting, discussing, demonstrating, mediating, guiding, or directing, then you are not doing an effective job. You must be more than a dispenser of information. You must create conditions and an environment that encourages thinking, deepens and broadens it, and which causes students to become aware of how they think. The process of thinking about how we think is referred to as metacognition. In helping students create knowledge, it is useful to think of knowledge as occupying space that can be thought of as a pyramid. At the bottom of the pyramid is declarative knowledge, or knowledge of what is. Declarative knowledge is akin to awareness. One step up on the pyramid is procedural knowledge, or knowledge of how something works, or functions. At the top of the pyramid is conditional knowledge, or knowledge of when or why a particular procedure will work. Conditional knowledge is closely related to the predictive function of knowledge. When students develop a broad and deep system of conditional knowledge, they are able to predict more accurately, solve problems more efficiently, and in a sense, are more free because they can identify and articulate more options from which to choose. Strategic learning is a valuable system to help your students develop conditional knowledge. Content Connections The creation of knowledge is, in the most practical and profound sense, a primary and direct result of learning. As teachers, we must strive to assist our students to develop intellectual tools by which they can create knowledge. Any knowledge, once created, becomes a part of a larger system that enhances learning and is capable of integrating and accommodating new information with greater efficiency and reliability. Each person creates knowledge in similar, yet uniquely distinct ways. Connecting information provided or described by others in novel and personal ways is a key to learning and developing knowledge. The more one knows, the more one can know. The idea of content links or connections is not exactly new, but offers some unique opportunities to chart your own course, learn, and add to your knowledge system. Enter the idea of Constructivism. Constructivism is a philosophy as well as a psychology of education. Constructivism is about how knowledge is created.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Traffic Light Controller System Design

Traffic Light Controller System Design library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; Uncomment the following library declaration if using arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating any Xilinx primitives in this code. library UNISIM; use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity tlc is   Ã‚  Ã‚   Port ( sensor : in   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);    hr : out   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 downto 0) ;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   hg : out   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 downto 0) ;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   hy : out   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 downto 0) ;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   fr : out   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 downto 0) ;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   fg : out   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 downto 0) ;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   fy : out   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 downto 0) ); end tlc; architecture Behavioral of tlc is signal ts : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal tm : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal tl : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); type state_type is (s0,s1,s2); signal state : state_type; begin process (sensor) begin if sensor

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Religion and the Media Essay -- Papers

Religion and the Media In the world we live in today people have revolutionized the image of religion, so that it is now regarded as a pastime instead of it solely being about God. In today's world media has evolved to be much more powerful than religion, and therefore some say that media is taken more seriously. After observation of the TV channels broadcasting specific religious programmes, I saw that all terrestrial TV channels had at least one hour a week of religious programmes. The government issues the license enabling TV companies to broadcast, and has a significant role in deciding on what has to be shown. In each TV channels broadcasting charter it is stated that they must "provide an average of at least two hours a week of religious programmes." This means that if a TV channel does not show this minimum amount their license could be evoked. It is very obvious why the government is concerned about religion in the UK since only 48 per cent of UK residents claim to belong to a religion, compared to 89 per cent in the United States and 92 per cent in Italy. Also two-thirds of 18-24 year olds in the UK, say that they have no religious affiliation compared to just a quarter in Spain. Nearly all religious programmes are aired at non-prime time slots, with the exception only being Songs of Praise on Sundays from 17.45-18.15. This suggests that the TV companies see broadcasting religious programmes as something they must to do, and not something they wish to do. We see further evidence of this by Reverend Ernest Rea words, who was the head of religion and ethics at the BBC. Revd Ernest Rea explains that "religion is... ...e put more thought on deciding how to end this moral issue, so there is a fair equilibrium on what the Soap represents. I am not suggesting that they should exalt religion and not take into consideration the moral side of things, but what I am saying is that there has to be a fine balance. Christians believe that life is sacred and that no one has the right to take away this gift that God has given us. The sanctity of life is first described in Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them". From this biblical quote we can conclude that if God has created us in the image of Himself, then therefore each human exists as an expression of God and his character. Then this would surely mean that human beings cannot destroy this sacred image in anyway.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Teddy Roosevelt Essay example -- essays research papers

Roosevelt, Theodore (American President) (c. 1858-1919) Roosevelt’s presidency began with the chaos of McKinley’s assassination in 1901, when Roosevelt was 43 years old, and ended after his second term, achieved by his election to President in 1904. Although Roosevelt’s selection as McKinley’s Vice-President was more of a political pay-off, and the New York political machine, fearing an independent Roosevelt, was more than ready to say good-bye to Roosevelt as Governor, Roosevelt is acknowledged by most historians as having waged a vigorous and winning campaign, while his presidential candidate seemed content to stay behind. With McKinley’s assassination, the Republicans and the country had bought themselves an activist president who, in the span of seven years, turned an isolationist America into a world power which created American leadership and power in world affairs, dealt corporations a new set of rules, enacted a philosophy and policy of environmental conservation, set forth a progressive agenda which held Victorian values at its fulcrum, and dealt with the social and economic issues presented by the burst of immigrants. The issues of non-english speaking immigrants, large corporate trusts acting with greed, defining America’s role in the world politic, all faced Roosevelt, as they face Bush today. Moreover, Roosevelt fashioned policies, rationales, and enacted legislation to engage this challenge and pursued an even more aggressive presidential activism in his second term. This activist president, currently the public icon invoked by members of both parties, was descended from a mixed cluster of immigrant lineage: Welsh, German, and French, to name a few. Influencing his political ambitions and policies were his wealthy background; he was the son of a wealthy and successful glassware merchant whose Dutch family of origin, the Knickerbockers, had been residents of Manhattan since the mid-1600’s. Born on October 27, 1858 in New York City, â€Å"Teedie† was known as a scrawny, weak child, sick from asthma, until his father’s comments regarding his physique as representative of his manhood, turned young Teddy around. Because of his father’s tremendous influence over the young boy, Teddy responded to his father’s encouragement and began to work out vigorously in a gym installed in the home by his father. Despite his efforts to improve his physical abili... ...moral decline), the nation was in peril. Thus, these values formed the fulcrum of Roosevelt’s presidential actions: active mind, healthy body; corporations must do the â€Å"right† thing by society or government could compel them to do â€Å"good†; immigrants must be assimilated into American society with inter-marriage by the third generation; an only English spoken policy was necessary to promote assimilation. He had a natural ability to communicate with the American people. Roosevelt integrated the physicality and roughness of the frontiersmen with the values of a reformer. Roosevelt believed that politicians could make life better for the average citizen. Roosevelt created and implemented a reformist agenda: the Panama Canal despite Colombia’s protests, â€Å"dollar diplomacy† became a substitute for inter-countries’ debt, reserved thousands of acres of federal lands for the people and further, established an activism in the president ial office which has influenced its occupants for years to come. Although Roosevelt wished to serve again in 1912, he failed to halt Woodrow Wilson with his newly formed â€Å"Bull Moose Party† and lived the remainder of his life as a hunter and informal ambassador.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Business Law: Exemption Clause

An exemption is a clause in a contract that exempts or removes liability from one or both parties in certain circumstances. Exemption clauses are used frequently in business organization contract. These clauses apportion risk between the parties concerned and the law upholds them, assuming the parties negotiated them while drafting the contract 2. The two ways in which exemption clauses can be incorporated in a contract are: (1) Incorporation by notice and (2) Incorporation by signature. 3.I would first ask X if he was notified of the hotel’s policy while, he was checking in. If He was informed of a policy to secure valuables at the front desk, then he was responsible for his losses and Y had no obligation to reimburse him for his losses. However, if he was not informed of Y’s policy on securing valuables while checking in then he was entitled to be reimburses by Y. He is entitled for reimbursement because the notice in the room did not form part of the contract between himself and Y.He became aware of this policy after the contract was made and therefore it cannot form part of the contract. Y is therefore responsible for replacing his valuables. 4. Tim went to Danto Auto Rental to rent a minivan for his family trip in Maxboro Estate. He was notify that the Danto Auto Rental is not responsible for any damages inflicted to any occupant of the minivan cause by mechanical problems or any vehicle accident. Tim signed the document exempting Danto Auto Rental from liability case by mechanical problems or any vehicle accident.For an exemption to be upheld there must be sufficient notice of the exemption or the exemption must be incorporated by signature. This means that the exemption must be in a contract signed by both parties or a party must be made aware of the exemption clause in reasonable time or at the time of the contract. In this case the contract was made when Tim sign the rental documents. 5. An exemption clause must satisfy both the common la w and statutory criteria. The courts in recent cases have, however, tended to concentrate on the statutory criteria. . Misrepresentation is: A statement of fact made by one party to contract (the representor) to the other (the representee) which, while not forming a term of the contract, is one of the reasons that induces the representee to enter into the contract. 7. In a misrepresentation case, for the courts to make its decision, it generally looks for the following two things in the representor’s statement: (1) Statement of fact and (2) Inducement. 8. In a case of Tim v Roy – T Company build concrete houses with plycemet backing instead of blocks.The marketing department of the company, market the houses as fully concrete. R purchase one of the houses from T Company at the cost you would pay for a fully concrete house. After living in the house for a month R found out that the house was not fully concrete. The plaintiff sued on grounds that he bought the house from the company because he thought the company was building fully concrete houses and he was deceived when they did not. In this case the information given by the Marketing department was of a fraudulent one therefore it was a fraudulent misrepresentation.When proving a fraudulent misrepresentation the plaintiff have to prove that the representor acted in a fraudulent manner or that they made the statement knowingly or without belief it was true or recklessly. All of the above was proven. Tanya’s Boutique v. Andrea Collins – In this case, Tanya gave wrong information concerning the originality and make of the dresses she sold in her boutique. This information was given based on facts that she got from the Dictoria Secret weekly which have a reputation from outstanding information on quality dresses. Andrea later found out that the dresses she bought was a knock-off and not an original.She returned the dresses and requested that her money be return. Tanya refused to return the money. In the case, the misrepresentation by Tanya could be classified, as innocent misrepresentation because she believed the dresses were original. Therefore, her burden had been discharge and her representation could be classified as innocent misrepresentation. 9. (a)(b)(c) Type of MisrepresentationRemedies Available 1FraudulentRescission & damages 2Negligent (common law)Damages only 3Negligent (representor must show reasonable grounds to believe in the truth of the statement)Rescission & damages 4InnocentRecession & Indemnity 0. 1. Indemnity – Compensation for wrong done, or trouble, expense or loss incurred. An undertaking usually by deed to indemnify another. An indemnity can only claimed for loss arising from the entering into the contract and not for any consequential loss, which can only be claimed as damages. 2. Damages – The pecuniary satisfaction awarded by a judge or jury in a civil action for the wrong suffered by the plaintiff. (Exemplary damages; n ominal damages) Damages can be assessed either on a reliance basis or on an expectation basis. 3.Rescission – Putting a contract to an end or voiding a contract usually caused by some type of misrepresentation. It is an equitable remedy and therefore discretionary. It can be loss because of reaffirmation, lapse of time; restitution is no longer possible and a third party has gained an interest. Rescission can be lost where the subject matter of the contract cannot be restored to the representor, and where a third party has gained an interest in the goods. 4. Onus – Burden of proof 5. Contra Proferentem rule – States that any doubt or ambiguity in the wording of a clause will be construed against the person seeking to rely on it.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Technology to Detect Counterfeit Currency

Currently it is quite easy to manufacture or produce money which is known as fake (Brain, 2007). This is because it is said that only the following are needed: â€Å"a personal computer, a scanner, an inkjet colored printer, as well as, time which is only ten minutes† (Brain, 2007). The first step is to place the bill on the scanner then setting the scanner in its highest resolution at 2,400 DPI before eventually scanning it (Brain, 2007). After that printing may already be carried out (Brain, 2007). Yes indeed, it is now very easy to do so.This is the reasons an individual should know how to distinguish a real from counterfeit money. The following may be of help: First of all, take a look at the picture (United.. , 2006). In the real money, the picture would be extremely realistic (United.. , 2006). The picture in the real money will also â€Å"stand out noticeably from the background† (United.. , 2006). In the counterfeit money, on the other hand, the picture in it lo oks exceedingly lifeless and unexciting (United.. , 2006). In addition to that, its features go along with the backdrop which is usually too shady, shadowy, gloomy, blotchy and speckled (United.. , 2006).Second is to be extremely mindful and check on the federal reserve and treasury seals (United.. , 2006). How? On the real money, it is exceedingly noticeable that the â€Å"saw-tooth points of the federal reserve and treasury seals are apparent, distinctive, as well as, jagged† whereas on the counterfeit money, â€Å"the saw-tooth points of the federal reserve and treasury seals have irregular, dull, or wrecked saw-tooth points† (United.. , 2006). Third is to be familiar with the money’s border (United.. , 2006).In genuine money, â€Å"it is extremely noticeable that the fine lines in the border are very clear and continuous† (United.. , 2006). In the counterfeit bill though, â€Å"the streak are so distorted and indistinguishable† (United.. , 2006 ). Fourth is to look deeper into the serial numbers (United.. , 2006). In the real bill, the spaces are even in between the serial numbers (United.. , 2006). In addition to that, it is set apart by its idiosyncratic style (United.. , 2006). Furthermore, the color of the treasury seal is also similar to the hue utilized in printing the serial numbers (United.. , 2006).On the other hand, in counterfeit bills, the color used in printing the serial numbers may not at all be the same with the hue of the treasury seal (United.. , 2006). Also counterfeit bills’ serial numbers’ spaces are not even (United.. , 2006). In addition to that, the serial numbers in counterfeit money do not make a straight line (United.. , 2006). Last but not least is to scrutinize the type of paper utilized (Indigo.. , 2002). In the real money, there are strands which are colored blue and red set in or entrenched in the entire paper (Indigo.. , 2002).Meanwhile, the counterfeit bill does not have stra nds or fibers, instead, red and blue lines are printed on the paper instead of being embedded on it (Indigo.. , 2002). Devices Utilized to Detect Counterfeit Money There are several devices utilized nowadays to find out if money is counterfeit or real. Some of these devices include the following: First of all is the counterfeit detector pen (How.. , 2007).

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Advantage of technical-vocational courses Essay

THE RESEARCHERS WISH TO EXPRESS THEIR PROFOUND gratitude to the persons who by their contributions have helped them to make this research with the guidance of their inspiring teacher, Mrs. Guiselle De Gusman Avila who widened their knowledge about Technical-Vocational courses, to their friends, Francis Abainza, Christian Palma who gave them more information and the other persons that give their ending support, and especially to their beloved parents Mrs. Clarita B. Bulawan and Carlos B. Bulawan, Mrs. Ma. Teresa c. Federizon and Mr. Jaime B. Federizon Sr. For their support morally, spiritually, emotionally and  physically. INTRODUCTION Severalstudentsinourpresentgeneration Desire to have their own respective courses. There are two main courses program, Technological – Vocational courses and professional courses. But the researchers’ situation, Technological-Vocational courses is more advantages than Professional courses. ThisstudyaimstodiscusshowTechnological Vocational courses are more advantage than other courses offered, especially to the graduating students and job seeking people. The scope ofthisresearchis allabout the advantages of Technological – Vocational courses, its characteristics , its branches of courses, how to  enroll and also the importance. In gathering the data needed for this study, the researchers made an interview with some person/students who are studying in Technological–Vocational schools. The researchers also conducted survey in schools, surfed the internet and got Information in public libraries and resources. I. What Technological – Vocational courses is Vocational education (also known asvocational education and training or VET) is an education that prepares people for specific trades, crafts and careers at various levels from a trade, a craft, technician, or a professional position in engineering, accountancy, nursing,  medicine, and other healing arts, architecture, pharmacy, law etc. Craft vocations are usually based on manual or practical activities, traditionally non-academic, related to a specific trade, occupation, or vocation. It is sometimes referred to as technical education as the trainee directly develops expertise in a particular group of techniques. Technical Education, instruction in a skill or procedure, usually of a mechanical type, and at a level between that of the professional scientist or engineer and that of a skilled craftsperson. Technicians support scientists and engineers by designing, developing,  producing, and maintaining machines and materials. The work of a technician is more limited in scope than that of a scientist or engineer and is commonly considered practical rather than theoretical in its orientation. A. What Are Its Characteristic Vocational education may be classified as teaching procedural knowledge. This can be contrasted with declarative knowledge, as used in education in a usually broader scientific field, which might concentrate on theory and abstract conceptual knowledge, characteristic of tertiary education. Vocational education can be at the secondary, post-secondary level, further education level  and can interact with the apprenticeship system. Increasingly, vocational education can be recognized in terms of recognition of prior learning and partial academic credit towards tertiary education. Inindustry,jobsfortechniciansrangefrom those that are narrow in scope and require relatively limited technical understanding, such as the routine inspection of parts, to those that require a considerable level of mathematical, scientific, and applied technological ability, such as engineering aide, instrumentation technician, draftsperson and tool designer. The growing field of computer technology is providing many  new employment opportunities for technicians. B. What Are Its Importance THE IMPORTANCE OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION THAT IS imparted by specialized educational and training institutions, whose mission it is to prepare individuals for the demands ahead and prepare them to become independent experts and deliver their knowledge that they have acquired through various training programs. We find situations where many people may have the experience but not the qualification or the qualification but no experience so this then becomes a catch 22 situation and certain specialized fields lack the right candidate to fit the correct job role. It is very important to recognize that in today’s economy vocational jobs are becoming more and more important. This is why vocational education programs are essential to individuals looking to secure good career prospects in particular industries. C. How to Enroll in Technical-Vocational courses 1. Requirements Attendingtech-vocationalopensup opportunities for new experiences, learning and careers. Applying and acceptance to a tech-vocational school starts the process. Some vocational schools require only a few items to apply, while others stipulate many different types of enrollment forms and submissions. A successful  application requires that you fulfill the tech-vocational requirements. To enroll in a tech-vocational course you may contact the tech-vocations school for additional requirements. 2. Processes In vocational-technical education, production training alternates with theoretical instruction. The most effective combination of theoretical instruction and practical training is established for each field of specialization. In secondary vocational-technical schools, about 40 percent of class time is devoted to general subjects, 20 percent to special subjects, and 40 percent to production training. In technical schools and standard  vocational-technical schools for secondary school graduates, the proportions are 10, 20, and 70 percent, respectively. II. Factors That Encourages Students to Enroll In Technical – Vocational School A. Popularity Vocational-technical education became an independent stage of vocational education in the developed European capitalist countries during the second half of the 19th century. In the United States, this took place after World War 1(1914–18), when there was a sharp drop in the influx of skilled workers from Europe. B. Willingness The vocational-technical educational institutions exploited the labor of adolescents and often  employed insufficiently skilled workers as masters. In many cases there was no program of instruction, educational supplies were limited, and the students were given no theoretical knowledge. However, students have their own opportunity to select their own willing courses. C. Advantages Vocational courses and vocational training might equip you with the skills necessary to enter a particular profession, but their value is still far less compared to an honors bachelor degree or other types of academic degrees. It is usually backbenchers and dumbos – students with lesser merit and limited diligence who take  up vocational courses, normally after failing to find a seat in any university. Before taking up any vocational course, it is advisable to properly and thoroughly research the field and find out which particular skills and qualities your potential employer is searching for. Only then should you enroll in a vocational course in a reputed college. III. What are The Advantages of Technical – Vocational Courses A. Fast Employment Vocational courses are skill focused and impart practical knowledge to pupils that make them employable. The inclusion of practical on the job experience and work related projects provides valuable training and  real life experience which come in handy for securing jobs. In short, vocational courses are employment friendly. B. Enjoy To Work Technical-Vocational courses are reliable to work within even if you are willing and interested too much to your course. C. To Improve Skills Even though when you are working, one such thing is improving, not only your mind but also your skills. It is known as upgrading your natural talent. D. To Get High Salary Studentswho attendvocational schoolsaccredited by the Department of Education are eligible to receive financial aid from the U. S. government. Some students are  even eligible to receive grant money that does not need to be repaid. Vocationalschools arebeneficialbecause they often charger lower tuition than colleges and universities. High-school students who attend vocational classes through their high schools often enroll in the vocational program free of charge. E. They Can Go Abroad Some agencies offered jobs from abroad. So that worker can go work to other countries. F. They can Get Experiences Graduates of a vocational school program are equipped to enter the job market armed with marketable career skills. These skills can lead to higher-paying jobs and greater job satisfaction. AccordingtotheU. S. DepartmentofEducation, training at a vocational school can lead to a degree, diploma or a certificate in an industry-specific program, such as automotive technology or cosmetology. Potential vocational school candidates should make sure that the school of their choice offers the appropriate licensure needed for an entry-level position in their desired field. CONCLUSION Theresearchersconcludethata Technical-Vocational course is more advantages than professional courses. The impact of technology on occupations, the tendency of employers to set higher educational requirements and the need for employees with  specialized training have made vocational preparation imperative. Part-time programs are essential in order to provide occupational mobility among workers and to overcome the effects of job obsolescence. Bibliography Brown, P. and Hesketh, A. (2004) The Mismanagement of Talent: Employability and Jobs in the Knowledge Economy. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Brickman, William W. â€Å"Vocational Education. † Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2008. Brickman, William W. â€Å"Technical Education. † Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2008. Brodhead, C. W. â€Å"Image 2000: A Vision for Vocational Education. â€Å" VOCATIONAL EDUCATION JOURNAL 66, no. 1 (January 1991):22-25. O’Connor, P. J. and Trussell, S. T. â€Å"The Marketing of Vocational Education. â€Å" VOCATIONAL EDUCATION JOURNAL 62, no. 8 (November-December 1987):31-32. Silberman, H. F. â€Å"Improving The Status of High School Vocational Education. â€Å"EDUCATIONAL HORIZONS 65, no. 1 (Fall 1986): 5-9. Reeves, Diane Lindsey â€Å"CAREER ACADEMY TOOLKIT†. Raleigh, North Carolina: Bright Futures Press, 2006. MLA Style: â€Å"vocational education. † Encyclop? dia Britannica. Encyclop? dia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclop? dia Britannica, 2012.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Collage Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Collage Reflection - Essay Example I chose this mixture of quotes, wise sayings, songs, poems, and book excerpts to symbolize who I am as a person. My true identity has been shaped by my childhood experiences, and my goals and dreams that I am still living out. Ever since I can remember, my fondest dream and goal in life has been to attend college. Early on I realized how much of a struggle it would be to gain entry into a top university in the United States, but that did not derail my efforts. In the words of Winston Churchill, â€Å"Never, never, never give up† (Never Give Up Quotes). This quote is in my collage because it defines my struggle to keep going and my desire to push through any obstacle that my come my way. My passion is finance. I want to be a successful leader in business so that I can help mentor others and inspire to them succeed as well. I have a passion and drive in me to do this that will not go away. The quote by Li Shing that begins â€Å"The future may be made up of many factors, but where it truly lies is in the hearts and minds of men† certainly epitomizes my belief in this area (Passion Quotes). My dedication is truly not for my own gain, but is based on a love for people and my country. The reason I chose to put this particular quote in red in because it symbolizes passion. Passion is a burning desire to do something. It is a goal and dream that I cannot rest from until it is realized. In addition, this passion was instilled in me from an early age. The quote ‘Will you join the dance?† (Carroll 1992) reflects my childhood.... I chose this mixture of quotes, wise sayings, songs, poems, and book excerpts to symbolize who I am as a person. My true identity has been shaped by my childhood experiences, and my goals and dreams that I am still living out. Ever since I can remember, my fondest dream and goal in life has been to attend college. Early on I realized how much of a struggle it would be to gain entry into a top university in the United States, but that did not derail my efforts. In the words of Winston Churchill, â€Å"Never, never, never give up† (Never Give Up Quotes). This quote is in my collage because it defines my struggle to keep going and my desire to push through any obstacle that my come my way. My passion is finance. I want to be a successful leader in business so that I can help mentor others and inspire to them succeed as well. I have a passion and drive in me to do this that will not go away. The quote by Li Shing that begins â€Å"The future may be made up of many factors, but wh ere it truly lies is in the hearts and minds of men† certainly epitomizes my belief in this area (Passion Quotes). My dedication is truly not for my own gain, but is based on a love for people and my country. The reason I chose to put this particular quote in red in because it symbolizes passion. Passion is a burning desire to do something. It is a goal and dream that I cannot rest from until it is realized. In addition, this passion was instilled in me from an early age. The quote ‘Will you join the dance?† (Carroll 1992) reflects my childhood. From an early age, I have desired to do something more with my life and I did dream about this as the days went by. I want to a positive force for change in whatever I do, so I certainly do intend

Monday, October 7, 2019

Reign of Terror in the French Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Reign of Terror in the French Revolution - Essay Example The Reign of Terror was the piece de resistance of the French Revolution (1789-1799) and shook the whole of Europe especially Europe's surrounding monarchies. When the haze of smoke of violence settled down, more than 40,000 Frenchmen were guillotined and more died by brutal means such as drowning i.e. 3,500 were victims of mass drowning termed as noyades in Nantes1 and death by mob lynching. The most celebrated head shown to the jeering, cheering mob belonged to Queen Marie Antoinette, the daughter of Queen Maria Theresa of Austria and the sister of Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II. Earlier in that fateful year 1793, her husband, King Louis XVI was butchered via the guillotine for alleged crime of treason together with all those perceived to be "enemies of the revolution". The latter were either guillotined or mass executed by firing squad without due process of law2 . Most of the victims were those from The Reign of Terror was also marked by dechristianization as Christianity was banned temporarily, a result of massive sentiment by the 'enragees' or extremists3 against the clergy for its special privileges such as the the right to tax the feudal estates via the 'dime'or tithe4, its political power (it possessed a third of the voting power of the Estates General) and its possession of untaxed vast landholdings all over France. In its stead, was established the revolutionary religion termed as the Cult of Reason. Hatred against the clergy even caused the Julian calendar to be flung aside in favor of the Republican calendar.5 The Reign of Terror also saw the ascendancy to power of the common people, the peasants, the working class and the disadvantaged who were radicalized by the hunger and famine, the widespread unemployment, the excessive consumption of the royalty in the Versailles palace6, the civic inequality produced by dispensation of special privileges to the aristocracy, the burden of feudal taxation and the surging inflation that went haywire to drive them to bare subsistence. When these sans-culottes' (literally without knee breaches) aspirations were amalgamated with the Mountains' (the radical Jacobins) resolution to abolish monarchy, we had the perfect formula for an explosive group that would ignite and power a radical revolution that would be unparalleled in its cruelty and brutality. This combination jumpstarted the Reign of Terror. By wresting control of the National Convention, which previously abolished the monarchy and convicted King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette, they were ab le to engineer an extermination of all the enemies of the republic , particularly the counter-

Sunday, October 6, 2019

How Do Consumer Characteristics Influence Buying Behavior Research Paper

How Do Consumer Characteristics Influence Buying Behavior - Research Paper Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that the quantity of purchase and the types of products in purchasing have come across the shifting in the consumer buying habits. On the contrary, previously marketers and organizations were able to comprehend the consumers buying behaviors and patterns through their experiences of selling the products to the consumers. However, firms and marketing decision makers lost direct contact with the customers with the augmentation of the market and organizations. Therefore, the consumer-buying behavior is one of the most significant aspects for the organizations in today’s time to be acquainted with the buying patterns and habits of the consumers so that they can focus on their products or services to the market. Since the consumer market profoundly depends upon the buying behaviors of the customers, therefore organizations should understand the market before developing or designing any marketing strategies. As a result, to the constantly ch anging buying patterns of the consumers, consumer research has become one of the imperative methods for the marketers and enterprises where they are spending millions of dollars for the study of consumer habits. Moreover, consumer research allows the marketers to gain more knowledge about the consumer behavior and their habits of buying a particular product or service. Furthermore, this research also makes the enterprise identify and recognize the responsibility of the customer towards the overall product that includes its features, price, advertising and several others over its competitors. The research will also lead to the surveillance that consumer enormously varies in age, income, education, taste and quite a lot of other factors. In addition, the consumer characteristics that influence their purchasing habits also include elements such as cultural, social, personal, and psychological characteristics. Therefore, the consumer research findings provide a great deal of assistance to the firms, as they are then able to determine the strong association between the marketing stimulus and the customer reaction.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Business Ethics on Software Piracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Ethics on Software Piracy - Essay Example Piracy is very difficult to stop, and software companies are at a loss as to how to stop major offenders. Although new measures are continually being tested, so far these have proven either cumbersome to paying clients or ineffective altogether. According to Mitchell (2003), "the illegal copying of software is considered by some international business experts to provide an interesting glimpse into the overall maturity of the business ethics of a region" (p.136). Historically, this inference holds true particularly in relation to the socio-economic development of a region. While locations such as Vietnam and China had a near-frivolous 100% piracy rate, in North America it was a much more acceptable 25%. Given these facts, it is illustrated that the better developed a country, the less prone it would be to software piracy. Perhaps it may be connected to the fact that the protected delivery of technology is so easily sidetracked that so many people are tempted to get a free copy. After all, who would say no to a freebie right In today's rapidly changing information highway, software is so readily accessible that anyone can do it. A few clicks on Google and one would be on his merry way. For the heavier protected software from the bigger companies, a more tech-savvy individual could source out illicit versions from numerous hacker websites which have proliferated the Internet. Actually some computer software companies have given up on curtailing piracy and instead utilize a concept called "shareware", where software is distributed for free but consumers are enjoined to make a small "donation" in good faith. As more and more users are switching to these free downloads, the situation is slowly becoming a serious business ethics issue that is both awkward and tricky to address. Existing piracy laws are lackadaisical at best, and only target users on a large scale. But for the small business, the prospect of saving a couple thousand dollars for relevant office software is quite appealing. - more so if the likelihood of getting caught is next to nil. Given the relative ease that one can download illicit software online, the morality and ethics of the matter comes into the forefront. Armed with the fact that some full-scale business in such countries such as the Philippines and Vietnam run completely on pirated software (Mitchell, 152), how does one exactly regulate this when officials in these countries turn a blind eye, and piracy is slowly becoming an accepted part of the culture Perhaps these Southeast Asian countries should follow the lead of the United States, who has been at the short end of the stick of the entire piracy industry. As mentioned earlier, the country has the lowest piracy rate and yet is the hardest hit. Is this short of saying that the level of business ethics and compliance is miles away compared to developing countries Can it be argued that what we are seeing is an illustration of stringent ethics being practiced as a whole from a cultural perspective, and that other locales simply lag behind and do not give much importance to it In the U.S., an April 2001 survey showed that 82 percent of corporations monitored employee communication, 82 percent had a formal written policy on email usage and 77 percent had one on Internet use ( Mitchell, 137). These same companies cite legal liability as the top reason, but recognized that banning personal